Sentence examples of "Del" in Spanish with translation "from"

Ellos vienen del mismo país. They come from the same country.
Esta palabra proviene del griego. This word is derived from Greek.
Es un amigo del trabajo. He's a friend from work.
¿Qué estás aprendiendo del profesor? What are you learning from the teacher?
Él fue desterrado del reino. He was banished from the kingdom.
La abuela bajó del autobús. The old lady got down from the bus.
Es una cita del libro. It's a quote from the book.
Esa copia difiere del original. That copy differs from the original.
Él bajó libros del estante. He handed down books from the shelf.
Esta palabra viene del griego. This word comes from Greek.
Sus piernas temblaban del miedo. His legs were trembling from fear.
Soy del País de Gales I'm from Wales
Él debe ser del Sur. He must be from the South.
¿Te has repuesto del shock? Have you recovered from the shock?
La lámpara colgaba del techo. The lamp hung from the ceiling.
Esta palabra viene del latín. The word is derived from Latin.
La lámpara cuelga del techo. The lamp is hanging from the ceiling.
Tom se bajó del techo. Tom climbed down from the roof.
Tom se bajó del árbol. Tom climbed down from the tree.
Los tigres escaparon del zoológico. The tigers escaped from the zoo.
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